During the Passport Leadership Team’s winter meeting on December 3rd, Dawn Cypriano-McAferty, Passport Program Manager at WSAC, released this important Passport to Careers (PTC) FAQ document. It answers the following questions in detail:

• What is the PTC Program?
• What are the two PTC programmatic pathways?
• What are PTC eligibility criteria for both foster youth and unaccompanied homeless youth?
• How is the term “Unaccompanied Homeless Youth” defined for PTC purposes?
• What are the PTC residency and citizenship requirements?
• How do students apply for financial aid and receive PTC funding?
• How do students apply for PTC assistance if they are going into an apprenticeship program that is not associated with a college?
• Where can students get help with applying for college and PTC aid?
• What changed on July 1, 2018 when Passport to College became Passport to Careers?
• Can students switch between the Passport to College program and the Passport to Apprenticeship Opportunities program?

This information is relevant to anyone supporting students in applying for the PTC program or supporting active PTC scholars. It will be updated periodically as new information is available. If you have any questions related to this information, contact Dawn or the CSF team for assistance.